Thursday, November 1, 2012

1.1 Finding a Life Mate

We open today with Sasha setting off on that essential part of a legacy...finding a mate! Since our next generation has to be a different life state, we shall find us a supernatural of some sort. As she sets off for a stroll through town, she comes across this guy! His name is Xavier Shackleton...get it? SHACKLEton? Genie? Shackles? Alright. Not funny. Moving on. I did create Xavier on my own...I really have no idea if that's allowed or not, but I didn't know if there were any pre-made genies in Moonlight Falls...I iz too lazy to look. I really didn't wanna wait five years to find one through the catacombs or the gyroscope, and I'm nowhere near affording the lamp with LTH points, so...there ya be.

Sasha: Hey, good lookin'! Let's be friends.

Xavier: food...

Sasha: I'm gonna forget you said that cause you're hawt.

Aaahh...sims love at its finest :)

To my surprise, it really didn't take much to get these two to the friendship level. Before long, it was time for them to move on to romantic actions! I decided to have Sasha break the stereotype and give her man some flowers. I'm guessing that face means he approves :)

Xavier: Oh-em-GEE!! Nobody has EVER gotten me flowers before! They are so pretty!! *Squee*

Confessing attraction time came next, to which Xavier was also very receptive!

And now Sasha goes for the kill!

Sasha: Hey, I just met you...and this is crazy...but-

Xavier: *Sings* HERE'S MY NUMBER! SO CALL ME MAYBE! That song is AWESOME!

Sasha: Um...ok...let's dial it back to Earth, sweetie...will you be my boyfriend?

Xavier: Oh! That's awesome, too! Sure :D

Since I'm impatient (and Sasha's moods were running low) I decided to wrap this party up with a marriage proposal. To my excitement, that went over just as smoothly! Sasha looks rather proud of herself. You should be, dear. You really should be :D

I had initially intended on having a little wedding ceremony, but decided against it. Instead, the two were married right there...on the side of the road...cause I'm awesome like that. 

With that, Xavier was officially added to the household! When I created him, I randomized all of his traits, faves, LTW, etc. So, they are as follows: Good, Virtuoso, Heavy Sleeper, Mean Spirited and Daredevil; Electronica, Sushi and Purple; Become a Hit Movie Composer. Get it? Got it? Good. 

The two returned home to work on the most important part of a legacy, BB MAKIN! But first, it was food time. Sasha was close to starving. Autumn salad was the dinner of choice! That dinner is a lifesaver...easy to make, can pretty much never go wrong...lifesaver.

It was at this time that I realized I had purchased a feeder for Milo, but never actually filled it. It was just going to have to wait a few seconds, though. Couldn't have my founder die on the first day.

Milo: Your guys' cruelty knows no bounds.


*Side note - I filled the feeder after dinner, and Milo refused to use it. I've never used it, so it could be that I'm just dumb and it's cause I hadn't upgraded it yet, but I have no idea. SO I bought him a regular bowl and filled that one. Milo's tummy was happy :)

After dinner, it was time to get back to business. I queued up the 'be frisky' action first, just cause I think it's adorable. 

After that little romp, I had intended on continuing on with 'try for baby'...instead, they all went to sleep. Even little Milo joined in the family sleepies! Their thoughts were rather opposite, however...

Xavier: Aw, my little Milo buddy!

Sasha: Isn't it so cute how he's sleeping in here with us? I love our doggy!

Milo: I will rid the world of you human vermin. I dare you to starve me again.


And with that, I leave you until next time :) As you can see, the scorecard is empty thus far! But we'll see how long that lasts!!


Wetting selves:
Passing out:
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits:
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:


  1. Oh. Em. GEEEEZ! I love it! Your founder is super cute, and Xavier the genie had me CRACKING up. Milo is such the cute puppy-kinz! Hopefully he doesn't have cause to murder his family in their sleep due to starving him . . . (as a side note, I had trouble with the auto-feeder in my Pollinations file too, dunno what's up with that).

    I'm so excited to see where this goes, definitely on the bookmarked list. Thank you so much for the awesome compliments, I'm very very glad you enjoy my particular brand of kookiness. :P

    1. Eeee!!! I'm SO glad you enjoyed it :D I didn't want it to feel like I'm ripping off your writing style, but we have a very similar sense of humor so I really connected with how you write them :)

      I love Xavier...I'm quite proud of him myself :) And poor Milo, I died laughing when they sat down to eat and he turned to them like umm...guys...starving pup here...

      Thanks so much for reading :)

  2. Awesome story. Super excited to read more!!
