Saturday, January 26, 2013

1.10 Lots and Lots of Birthdays

To start the final chapter of generation 1, we open with Sasha making an epic stink-face. She's soaked from a sink that was booby trapped by Cuddles. And don't ask where the outfit came from...I have no idea, it's not one I picked for her!

Cuddles decided to be nice afterward and fixed the sink.

How's that homework going, Roy?

Roy: The page is as empty as my soul.


Of course homework and staring out a window is how a brooding teenage boy would choose to spend Leisure Day. 

But the day wasn't all depressing! Terri and Cuddles spent their Leisure Day autonomously being the cutest couple in the universe <3

Unfortunately Roy, Cuddles AND Terri were all going through mood swings that day as well! Mood swings + IF = the most annoying day of booby traps EVER. Cuddles' mood swing must have really been throwing him off his game, though, because every trap he tried to set was right in front of one of Terri's parents. And every one resulted in him getting scolded and eventually grounded!

Cuddles: They'll never suspect a whoopee cushion in the couch!

Xavier: I'm right behind you. For the 10th time.

This picture is to show that Xavier has reached level 6 on his guitar skill :) He's playing my favorite little song that they learn as they build up the skill. Don't ask me what it is...I have no idea. I just know it's my favorite, haha :)

The next afternoon, I had Sasha let Cuddles off the hook because it was Prom night!! More autonomous hand holding <3

Prom was very eventful for the Andrie clan! For starters, Terri and Cuddles made it official and are now going steady! Roy was crowned Prom King (because everyone knows over emotional teenage boys get all the hearts going pitter-patter) and Virginia was crowned Prom Queen! Roy got into a fight with someone who beat him at a dance off, and Virginia got into a fight with someone who wore the same dress as her. Virginia asked her crush for a dance but he turned her down, but then she apparently started getting cozy with Gator Wolff so we'll see what happens there! Finally, both Roy and Virginia had some sort of incident that caused them to fall on their faces in the middle of the dance floor. *Whew*

The next morning started with a notification that Fiona obtained a job in the music industry, just like her daddy :) It was also time for Roy to join Fiona in adult-hood!

Roy became quite the groovy young adult :D He rolled the clumsy trait.

A quick hug from Sasha and Roy was off to see the world!

The next week and a half was actually extremely boring in the household. Not a single fail to report, nor any gains. I was actually glad it went as fast as it did because it was really hard to get used to the boredom after it had been so eventful around the house. It was seriously just full of birthdays. A few days after Roy's birthday it was time for Virginia to join the adult world.

Upon growing up, Virginia gained the genius trait!

Poor Virginia had to get her mom hug in the rain D: But, thankfully the cab was waiting to take her away to conquer the world!

A full moon night at the end of the week brought on our founder's elder birthday! 

She makes an ADORABLE elder, if I do say so myself :) <3

And THEN a few long (and super boring) days later, the birthdays we've been waiting for :D I didn't even bother with the cakes because, seriously, they have enough leftover cake in their fridge. For real. So I cheated and just triggered the age transition instead of waiting until 9 pm. First up was our gen 2 torch holder!

Upon aging up, she gained the vegetarian trait. Now I'm pretty sure that I'm supposed to give her the insane trait (actually the rules kind of made it sound like every child is supposed to have that trait..) but I don't remember for sure, and if I am supposed to, oh well. I'm just doing this for fun, and honestly that whole changing clothes thing they do annoys the hell out of me. So she's getting the vegetarian trait :) ALSO, since I have randomly rolled every trait and lifetime wish for the children that I could, I will be adding 10 bonus points to my score :D

Finally, it was Cuddles' turn to be engulfed by the sparkles :)

Yeah, he's still pretty studly. He gained the genius trait.

And that brings an end to generation 1!! I am so excited :D In the next update you will see the torch officially passed on to Terri and she and Cuddles will begin the quest for an IF baby! Let's check out our official end of gen 1 scorecard I also get to add points for not using any spare LTH points. Unfortunately, neither Sasha nor Xavier reached the top of their career. I kind of knew it was a long shot with how long I waited to get Sasha to work. But oh well. On to the scores! :D


Wetting selves: -45
Passing out: -20
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll: +5
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation: +10
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points: +10
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -25

1.9 Roy's Soul and Cuddles' Transfomation

We open today with Xavier rudely playing guitar in his son's bedroom while he's trying to sleep.

Roy: I'd rather listen to Milo bark all night.

Meanwhile, Terri takes it upon herself to clean up the broken shower puddles.

Milo: Aren't you supposed to have some crazy genie powers you could use to do this...?

And in the next room, Fiona is, once again, refusing to use the toilet >.<

When Xavier grew tired of being rude, he headed to the living room to play with Milo :)

Later that afternoon, Virginia sat down to work on her homework while Roy "enjoyed" a plate of autumn salad.

Virginia: Uggghh...square roots are so confusing!

Roy: Roots? This lettuce had roots. Then it was ripped from its comforting home and chopped to serve despicable humans like me. The death of this lettuce represents the death of my soul.

Ooohh how I love the brooding trait :)

After dinner, Roy made sure to set aside some time to ponder the wonders of life.

Roy: The darkness of the crow's feathers represents the darkness in my soul.

The next morning, Roy was miraculously able to pull himself out of his brooding to help celebrate Fiona's young adult birthday!

Fiona aged, as always, beautifully :D She gained the rebellious trait.

After that, Virginia stepped up to the cake to ring in her teen birthday!

She became a very pretty young woman :) She gained the clumsy trait.

Roy: All of these people around me represent the contradiction of the true loneliness in my soul.

After enjoying some cake with her family, it was time for Fiona to leave the nest and explore the world on her own! Not without a goodbye hug from mama first :)

Back inside, Virginia made time to work off all the cake she just ate!

Fiona must be lonely already, because she called her brother within a few hours after moving out :(

Roy: Talking to you now on the phone represents the true distance between us and the loss I feel of your presence in my soul.

Roy then decided to do something that didn't relate to his soul.

The next afternoon, Terri passed out on the steps in front of the school. What IS IT with those steps?!

That night, Sasha FINALLY mastered the recipe for the Imaginary Friend Metamorphium Potion! 

Terri wasted no time putting it to use :D

Now officially a member of the Andrie household, I would like to introduce Cuddles! With a name like that he has to be super sweet, right?! Well let's take a look at his traits! They are: vehicle enthusiast, daredevil and.........evil. (SEE, LYNN?! I TOLD YOU!!) Oh boy. This is gonna be fun! He is a Gemini who enjoys grilled cheese, the r&b music. So let's break this down. His name is Cuddles. He's evil. He likes pink. Got it.

The transformation happened just in time for Terri and Cuddles to celebrate their teen birthdays :D First up it was Terri's turn.

She became quite the teen beauty! At this point I realized that I don't recall ever telling you guys her other traits except for hydrophobic D: So I really can't recall which one she earned upon aging up to teen-hood and which two she was born with. So I'll just list the four she has now: Genius, nurturing, hydrophobic and easily impressed.

Next it was Cuddles' turn!

Cuddles: *clapclapclap**yaaay**OMG MY SOON-TO-BE-GIRLFREND IS HAWT**yaaay**clapclapclap*

Cuddles became quite the evil studmuffin :) A random roll gave him the angler trait. And I'm pretty excited to have that hair color in the next gen gene pool!

I went ahead and cheated and took control of Cuddles to cue up some romantic actions. Prom is coming up and I want these two to at least be going together...they can take care of the first kiss and going steady thing at that dance ;) Terri gladly accepted his invite! I'm already starting to love these two together.

And that is where I leave off for now! I'm hoping to squeeze in another update in a bit or later today...I'm anxious to get gen 2 started now that it's so close :D Have some things to add to the scorecard so let's get to it!


Wetting selves: -45
Passing out: -20
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll: +5
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -45

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

1.8 Growing Up and Winding Down

Welcome back, friends! I'd like to start today with a sweet little picture of Sasha and Milo doing some bonding :) 

We also see miss Terri earning the daughter of the year award by washing her birthday cake dishes all on her own! Yay!

She then sat down and pulled Cuddles (that's the name her new IF doll had) out to play with him. Until this point, I had decided to change what the next life state in game will be because I didn't want to run the risk of  them not having an IF baby and not being able to cheat around it. But she looked so happy... :(

So......I rearranged some things in Sasha and Xavier's bedroom to make room for this. Screw it. You can't fight a true connection like the one between a genie girl and her IF doll :( I'm just gonna stay positive and hope for the best.

Since she's the only one I can control, I sent Sasha right to work. Working up to that IF potion while having to go to work herself AND maintain the household is gonna be a challenge, so I didn't wanna waste any time. Every free second she has right now is spent at this lab station. The things a mother will do for her daughter!

Meanwhile, over in Roy's bedroom the guitar playing room, the rest of the family has gathered to listen to Fiona play. She must be doing pretty good, Virginia's got that "I'm so cool sitting here listening to this guitar player" face goin' on :D

Soon enough it was time for bed. However, along the way, little miss Terri decided she couldn't hold it any longer. And I had such high hopes for her after the dishes thing D: Apparently Fiona was reminded by this of her dire need to pee. And Cuddles....was not impressed, hahaha :)

Of course, what better place for Fiona to have a pee fail than right on top of her sister's pee fail? LOOK at that face!

Never-the-less, it was bed time. I used Terri's free child action to show her to her nifty new loft bed. Soon after, all the other kids went to their own beds on their own :D My pride in them was restored...even though it was really late and they hardly got any sleep at all. And Sasha had time to clean up the pee puddles, disgusting toilet (which amazes me with how little they seem to use it -_-) and other such fun things.

I won't lie to you guys, this is honestly just a shameless excuse to show off her super cute everyday wear :)

Yes, the previous picture does indicate that a new day has dawned on our beloved Andrie family! The kids are all at school and Sasha is at work. Xavier takes advantage of this golden alone time to play his guitar some more! Such angst...

After school, the lack of sleep caught up with Fiona who passed front of the the rain. Why does she always have to pass out when there's weather?!

When she got home, I had Sasha use the "go to bed" action. Thankfully, she went.

Roy and Virginia made me proud by sitting down to do their homework together on their own! The little boy in the background is a friend that Virginia brought home with her. You may also notice the massive stink cloud radiating from Roy. Oh, that's nasty...

Terri made sure to make time for secrets with her IFBFF :) The little dark haired boy in the orange sweater is a friend that Roy brought home with him. 

Roy's little friend turned out to be a werewolf. It just happened to be a full moon that night. Damnit.

Really, Xav? Those extra two inches were too much of a stretch for you?

It's yet another new spring day in Moonlight Falls. This one, however, is special. It's Roy's teen birthday! It's ALSO finally time for Xavier's adult birthday! But first...


(Sorry. I get really excited when genie children do that.) Anywho, on to the festivi - waaaait a minute! Sasha has a phone call from Mr. Van Gould! He called to.....ask her on a date. Yes, Ayden, we all know that Xavier is a little quirky and he pees himself when he's standing right in front of the toilet (fume), but Sasha is a (surprisingly) happily married woman. And, no, she doesn't want to know if the rumor is true that "once you go vamp, you never go back." 

Now, as I was saying, back to the festivities! First up, we have Roy. This picture also represents that Roy has gotten on the honor roll!!! Yeeeeaaaaahhh!! 

I randomly rolled Roy's trait and he got....brooding. Hahaha...oooh yes...a brooding teenage boy? This will be epic fun :D

And finally, we have everybody's favorite genie stepping up to the plate for his birthday! The family gathers around him to celebrate and eat lots and lots of cake!

And that is where I leave you all for the evening! As you can see, we are winding down this generation of One Life State to Live! I'm pretty excited :D About two more chapters before it's Terri's turn to take the reigns. We'll have a couple big birthdays coming up in the next installment! Hope you enjoyed this update! Unfortunately, even though we have the positive addition of Roy making the honor roll, we're still at a negative. In fact, we gain negative points today! We have lots to document, so let's get right to it.


Wetting selves: -40
Passing out: -15
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll: +5
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -35