Monday, November 5, 2012

1.5 Finally!

Welcome back to One Life State to Live!

Night has fallen and Sasha's 4th (and final) baby bump has made it's presence known! *Pleasebeageniepleasebeageniepleasebeagenie*

Outside, a group of zombies is congregating for their annual "Mission: Braaaaains" meeting.

Loner zombie: Heeeeey! Don't forget meeeee D:

Back inside, daddy's at work so Sasha decides to make Fiona's favorite supper, Mac & Cheese! I'm gonna guess by that face that it's going well :D

Sasha then puts her super mommy skills to work and gets all three children PLUS herself to sit down for dinner!

Fiona makes me proud by successfully finding her bed for the second night :)

Why the sour face, Xav?

Xavier: I'm tired.

Go to bed then!

But he didn't. In fact, he passed out. I bumped the super speed control on my game and totally missed getting a shot because when it finally paused, he was getting up >.< BUT, nevertheless, he did pass out so we have ourselves another fail.

Things ran pretty smoothly for the rest of the pregnancy. The day of the birth, however, was a little different. First off, Xavier decided he didn't want to use the restroom, the floor looked better. So, we have ourselves yet another fail. 

*Side note, for some reason, in my game when my sims wet themselves, the puddle always shows up on some other part of the room. So the puddle Sasha's standing in is most definitely Xavier's pee puddle.

At least Virginia's talking skill was coming along nicely!

That evening it was time for Roy's child birthday! I was able to roll for him, landing him the vegetarian trait :) He turned out adorable, if you ask me!

I didn't have time to actually throw him a party, however, because in the next room...

This time, Sasha and Xavier opted for the hospital birth. The two made it just in time to welcome baby Terri into the household! Another bouncing baby girl for them to love and cuddle :) Don't mind Sasha's stink face, she's happy! But being tired and standing next to her super smelly hubby wasn't helping matters.

Fiona: What smells?!

Well, that would be you, dear.

I decided to move Fiona's bed into Roy's room temporarily as well. No sense in having a screaming baby AND a toddler waking her up in the middle of the night.

That evening, our friend Milo had his elder birthday! The sparkles were just fabulous :)

He aged looking basically the same with a few grey accents added to the white spots on his fur.

A couple days later, a big day dawned for the Andrie family! First up, it was time for Virginia's child birthday! The whole family showed up to cheer her on :)

And shortly after that, it was time for Sasha's adult birthday! Again, she looks exactly the same with a few extra lines around her face.

Apparently the excitement was a little too much for Roy to take. That would be his ginormous pee puddle behind him. And on the side, you can see child Virginia! She seems to be enjoying Roy's embarrassment XD Virginia was given the equestrian trait upon aging up.

I used Virginia's free child action that night to show her to her bed, like I have with the others. You'll also noticed I moved Fiona and Virginia's bunk beds back into the girls room! 

This is because baby Terri has reached toddlerhood :D Toddlers are a little easier to manage than babies. 

I'm really not sure where her brown hair comes from, but that's not important. What's important is...SHE'S A GENIE!!!! I'm so excited :D I also adore the fact that she's not the standard genie makes it cute. As if you'd have no idea she was one ;) 

Therefore, I would like to present to you your future (distant future...she's got some more growin to do first!) One Life Sate to Live torch holder, Terri Andrie! Here, she can be seen cuddling her IF doll, Buddy. I has plans ;) :D

And with that, I leave you all for today. Have a few fails to add, and some points, so let's get to it!


Wetting selves: -10
Passing out: -5
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: 0


  1. Awwwweh, yay! So glad you got your genie baby finally! And even though her brown hair is totally random, I love it on her. Super cute. I told yah the fails would come soon enough! Lolol, now it's starting to feel like a real ISBI. XD Great chappie, can't wait for the next!

    1. I know, her brown hair is adorable :) Yes, the fails did start...I'm glad, though, keeps it interesting :) And fun! Thanks again for reading :D
