Sunday, May 19, 2013

2.5 Complete and Utter Chaos!

So let's just do a little birds eye view of the house at this point, because what I saw when my game loaded was pretty chaotic on its own. As you can see, the sink is busted and apparently has been for some time going by the massive water puddle on the floor. Sasha is cooking, thankfully, because her plumbob is dangerously red due to her hunger, energy, fun AND bladder needs being so low. Also, there are spoiled bowls of mac n cheese on both the counter and the table. Looks like our current heir has some work cut out for her when she wakes up!

Of course, Terri wakes up shortly after and basically gives a big middle finger to Sasha's hard cooking work by summoning some perfect quality autumn salad. AUTUMN SALAD?! You have the ability to summon perfect quality meals of ANY kind, and you choose the most easy, simple dish that one can't possibly screw up. You disappoint me.

Sasha had no complaints about her daughter's choice of food because she was starving. And, logically, when you're cooking and someone else brings/summons better quality food that you can eat right then without having to wait, you should leave whatever you were cooking in the stove unattended. *Fume*

Commence the family freak out session. Or something like that.

Yestin & Paula: *Screaming bloody murder*

Sasha: OH MY GOD!!! THE SINK IS STILL BROKEN!!! (Cause that's the part the matters.)
Terri: Uuuugggghhh mooooooom! I was gonna freak out where you're standing! Now I have to freak out over here!

Cuddles: Like a boss.

Of course, the fireman showed up too late, thanked Cuddles for doing his job, and then scolded them for starting a fire in the first place. Terri did Sasha a favor and got that all-important sink fixed.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the room, Anubis is blissfully unaware of anything other than how much fun his chew toy is :)

Soon after, Yestin peed himself. He was humiliated. His father, on the other hand, was pretty proud of him.

In the bedroom, Sasha continued the Andrie family tradition of passing out two feet from her own bed.

Then she woke up, walked to the living room and...passed out. Again. Yestin followed suit as well. (You'll note that Terri had finally had a chance to clean up the massive sink puddle!)

Happy news on the spares front! Our first spares wedding :)

Of course, living in a house where only one sim has any physical control means that it doesn't take long at all before the house is a filthy mess again. It DOES take long (almost completing a generation) for this simmer to remember that genies have the ability to magically clean the house and make it sparkly. 

This photo is to signify that our dear founder, miss Sasha, has officially been alive for 105 days! It seems she's just not ready to go yet. But, by the looks of it, Terri wishes that her stink cloud would...

Shortly after Xavier burned his pancakes, Cuddles had to come kick him while he was down and scare the daylights out of him!

And lo! It appears the eldest of Sasha's children has finally found a love of her own! Turns out she wasn't after Terri's man after all, as it seems she plays for the other team ;) Too bad her love is some old lady who will probably die in a week knowing my luck :( But oh well! Yay love!

Being an all powerful genie who can cook and clean at the snap of a finger is hard work, man.

Sasha waits to die entertains herself by chatting with a friend online. (She is currently 107 days old in this photo.)

Meanwhile, Paula entertained herself with her imaginary friend while Yestin staked his claim on the doll house.

As you can see, Xavier's made zero progress on his career. He still has days where he doesn't even go. This particular day, however, he did. And upon returning, he received a call from Virginia! The two had a lively chat about the theater.

The Andries had a ghostly visitor that night!! MIIIILOOOO!!!! 

His first order of business was to haunt the dresser in his old best buddy's room. I think Milo misses his Xavier :(

He then went and took a little nap on Terri and Cuddles' bed :)

The following morning, Sasha received a call from her son Roy! Their discussion consisted of fishing.

I received notice that Virginia's son had aged into a child, so I went over to have a peek. Still quite the cutie :) Now I'm impatiently waiting for her and Tristan to have one of their own!

Meanwhile, outside, this happened. Cause I didn't have enough fails to add as it was.

Yay! More happy news from the spares side of things :)

Alas, the joy couldn't last for long. After 109 days of living, our dear founder's time came to move on. 

Terri was at work, but the rest of the family came to bid Sasha farewell. It was a peaceful goodbye, and Sasha drifted into her tombstone at peace.


Sasha's tombstone was placed next to little Milo's in the back yard. I allowed Xavier to engrave her epitaph, which so eloquently reads:

"Here lies Sasha Andrie, a founder forever loved."

And on that note, I leave you all for the evening! Let's take the massive axe to our scorecard...this isn't gonna be pretty :(


Wetting selves: -65
Passing out: -55
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -10
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +30
Honor roll: +5
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation: +10
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points: +10
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -75

Saturday, May 18, 2013

2.4 The Epic Chapter of Boringness

Snowflake Day has arrived in Moonlight Falls once again, and Sasha and Xavier have decided to celebrate by inviting all of their children home for the holiday! But first, we received this little notification! It looks like Virginia is back in the game :)

When the family arrived, everyone pretty much decided to gather in Paula's room.

While Cuddles enjoyed an afternoon nap, Fiona saw it as the perfect opportunity to blare the stereo. Fiona, dear...don't you think that particular outfit is a little inappropriate for the middle of winter?!

Fiona: Well, I seem to be the only one who can't find love on my own. I'm just gonna dress like this and steal Terri's.


Virginia helped herself to Roy's old bed and read a book.

And Roy....sat on the floor brooding about his recent breakup. *Facepalm* How about you stop dumping all your girlfriends and maybe this won't keep happening...?

During all of these festivities, Virginia couldn't seem to keep her mitts off of the children. Looks like maybe being a mom has really hit home for her! She must have been missin her little guy :)

Speaking of Antwon, as promised, I did finally make it over to get a peek at him! He is pretty cute, though he definitely seems to have taken after daddy more than mommy. Oh well, his little puffy cheeks kill me :)

The rest of Snowflake Day was actually not that fun. Oh well. But it was pretty promising for one person, at least! Shortly after Virginia headed home to little Antwon, this message popped up! I sure hope this one lasts :)

The following morning, Terri was finally able to return to work. In this randomly-randomly-selected-by-the-game outfit.

To which I said:

After correcting that horrendous matter, the day progressed slowly, ending with a pass out from Sasha.

After getting to get out of the house and work for one whole glorious day, the following day was Terri's day off. She spent it cleaning. Because nobody else in the house can pick up a freaking sponge.

She also made time to give little Anubis some attention. He desperately needed a bath!

Yestin finally aged into a child :) He's pretty pumped about being one step closer to the title of generation 3 heir! He rolled the kleptomaniac trait. Oh boy, he's shaping up to be quite the fun little sim!

Cuddles decided to do a little scary storytelling, which Sasha deemed the perfect occasion to don her swimsuit to. Oh well, at least she turned up...nobody else cared about Cuddles' stories :(

At least she went to the kitchen and did something productive afterward!

Later that evening, Cuddles rolled the wish to go dumpster diving. Cause digging through a massive trash can sounds like my idea of the perfect day, too!

Back at home the following morning, yet ANOTHER appliance needed some repairing. Miss Terri to the rescue!

Soon enough it was time for miss Paula's childhood birthday :) She rolled the over emotional trait. 

Aaand she made sure to start her ISBI childhood days off right!

She was pretty humiliated, but that night daddy made it up to her with a bedtime story :) 

That's it for now! Sorry for such a long delay! Let's update the scorecard :)


Wetting selves: -55
Passing out: -40
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +30
Honor roll: +5
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation: +10
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points: +10
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -45