Monday, November 5, 2012

1.5 Finally!

Welcome back to One Life State to Live!

Night has fallen and Sasha's 4th (and final) baby bump has made it's presence known! *Pleasebeageniepleasebeageniepleasebeagenie*

Outside, a group of zombies is congregating for their annual "Mission: Braaaaains" meeting.

Loner zombie: Heeeeey! Don't forget meeeee D:

Back inside, daddy's at work so Sasha decides to make Fiona's favorite supper, Mac & Cheese! I'm gonna guess by that face that it's going well :D

Sasha then puts her super mommy skills to work and gets all three children PLUS herself to sit down for dinner!

Fiona makes me proud by successfully finding her bed for the second night :)

Why the sour face, Xav?

Xavier: I'm tired.

Go to bed then!

But he didn't. In fact, he passed out. I bumped the super speed control on my game and totally missed getting a shot because when it finally paused, he was getting up >.< BUT, nevertheless, he did pass out so we have ourselves another fail.

Things ran pretty smoothly for the rest of the pregnancy. The day of the birth, however, was a little different. First off, Xavier decided he didn't want to use the restroom, the floor looked better. So, we have ourselves yet another fail. 

*Side note, for some reason, in my game when my sims wet themselves, the puddle always shows up on some other part of the room. So the puddle Sasha's standing in is most definitely Xavier's pee puddle.

At least Virginia's talking skill was coming along nicely!

That evening it was time for Roy's child birthday! I was able to roll for him, landing him the vegetarian trait :) He turned out adorable, if you ask me!

I didn't have time to actually throw him a party, however, because in the next room...

This time, Sasha and Xavier opted for the hospital birth. The two made it just in time to welcome baby Terri into the household! Another bouncing baby girl for them to love and cuddle :) Don't mind Sasha's stink face, she's happy! But being tired and standing next to her super smelly hubby wasn't helping matters.

Fiona: What smells?!

Well, that would be you, dear.

I decided to move Fiona's bed into Roy's room temporarily as well. No sense in having a screaming baby AND a toddler waking her up in the middle of the night.

That evening, our friend Milo had his elder birthday! The sparkles were just fabulous :)

He aged looking basically the same with a few grey accents added to the white spots on his fur.

A couple days later, a big day dawned for the Andrie family! First up, it was time for Virginia's child birthday! The whole family showed up to cheer her on :)

And shortly after that, it was time for Sasha's adult birthday! Again, she looks exactly the same with a few extra lines around her face.

Apparently the excitement was a little too much for Roy to take. That would be his ginormous pee puddle behind him. And on the side, you can see child Virginia! She seems to be enjoying Roy's embarrassment XD Virginia was given the equestrian trait upon aging up.

I used Virginia's free child action that night to show her to her bed, like I have with the others. You'll also noticed I moved Fiona and Virginia's bunk beds back into the girls room! 

This is because baby Terri has reached toddlerhood :D Toddlers are a little easier to manage than babies. 

I'm really not sure where her brown hair comes from, but that's not important. What's important is...SHE'S A GENIE!!!! I'm so excited :D I also adore the fact that she's not the standard genie makes it cute. As if you'd have no idea she was one ;) 

Therefore, I would like to present to you your future (distant future...she's got some more growin to do first!) One Life Sate to Live torch holder, Terri Andrie! Here, she can be seen cuddling her IF doll, Buddy. I has plans ;) :D

And with that, I leave you all for today. Have a few fails to add, and some points, so let's get to it!


Wetting selves: -10
Passing out: -5
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: 0

Sunday, November 4, 2012

1.4 Let the Fails Begin!

Previously, on One Life State to Live:

Two zombies died.
Xavier failed at failing.
A baby was born.
And a lot of other stuff happened.

This week, we begin with a very tired and hungry Sasha tending to baby Roy's needs.

Many people may be wondering why Xavier isn't helping out. Well, he's doing this instead.

Xavier: I'm a genie. I'm awesome.

Soon after, Fiona's needs began to drop. I was hopeful that since he was standing right there, he'd help her out. Instead, he made it quite clear how disgusting he thought she smelled. Way to be supportive, daddy-o.

Shortly after this, Sasha rolled the wish to buy a Bonehilda coffin. I gladly locked in that wish. I love Xavier, and for the most part he does a good job. But when he's at work during the day most days, and sleeping at night, his time is limited and Sasha gets no help. Poor girl hasn't slept much in over 24 hours by this point. However, their house is small. I did manage to build on a little extension for Roy's room, so for now...Bonehilda resides there with him. A little creepy? I say yes.

I went ahead and had Sasha awaken her, because Sasha's needs absolutely needed to be tended to.

But first, she and Xavier had one last baby to make!

Of course, immediately after Bonehilda gets to work, Xavier decides to help out. 

Xavier: See?! I'm an exceptional daddy, always taking care of my children's needs! *Cheese grin*

Xavier's brain: No way in hell I'm gonna let that bone-maid show me up!

Meanwhile, Bonehilda is busy being baws. She is constantly fixing busted appliances, cleaning up messes, it's wonderful!

But I think I appreciate her most when it comes to the children. She is always tending to them! They even seem to like her!

Though poor Fiona still seems a bit cautious...

Fiona: I don't mind being smelly for a few more hours if it means the bone-lady doesn't have to pick me up...

Meanwhile, in Sasha and Xavier's room...


Don't worry, no zombie deaths to report tonight ^_^

After she finally got some sleep, it was time for Sasha to begin working with her little one on her skills. First up was potty training!

Then came some talking practice, which proved to be most inconvenient...

Sasha: Can you say frying pan?

Fiona: Fwy PAN!

Sasha: GOOD JOB, BABY!! I'm so proud of you! *Clapclapclap*

Bonehilda: Yeah, that's adorable...can you guys move it? I need to empty the potty.

Bonehilda is unimpressed.

To cure Sasha's stir crazy moodlet (and to get them out of Bonehilda's way), I sent Sasha on a stroll with Fiona. But not before baby bump #3 began it's evolution!

The next morning, it was time for Roy's toddler birthday!

I popped him into CAS to determine that he is, in fact...human :( Still adorable, though...he inherited his daddy's hair color. And he grew up starving...someone get that kid some food!

Then it was straight to the potty chair for some skill boosting.

Sasha: I love you, Roy!

Roy: I luff you mommy!


The next afternoon, baby #3 decided it was time to be born!

It is my pleasure to introduce our beautiful BLUE baby, Virginia! She was born with the virtuoso and athletic traits.

A few days passed and it was time for both Fiona's child birthday and Virginia's toddler brithday! Once again, Xavier is quite excited :D 

Everything went so well, the family was enjoying their time together. And then....DISASTER!

Of course with fire, comes the firefighter. Therefore, we officially have our FIRST fail of this ISBI! Poor Fiona and just HAD to happen on their birthday! What's worse is that the debacle took so much time and was such a big deal that Virginia had to age up without even getting to her cake D:

But, nevertheless, Fiona aged up BEAUTIFULLY! She may be my favorite in-game child sim yet...she's just naturally pretty :) She was given the eco-friendly trait.

My color indicators are still not working for both the pictures in the relationship panel AND the moodlets, so I popped Virginia into CAS to find that she is....also human D: My goal was to have three children...I've had three, and none of them are genies. Which is what I need for the next generation. So at this point, I decided to try once more. Sasha's adult birthday isn't far off and I need to get her started on her LTW. If baby #4 isn't a genie, I will be holding an heir vote and cheating turning the winner into a genie. But, Virginia is still adorable with her blue self <3

I used Fiona's free child action to show her to her bed, which she was happy to find. That was one exhausting birthday!

And Sasha decided to cap off the night with a little Peashooter Catch!

And that is where I leave you guys tonight! Let's take a look at our scorecard!


Wetting selves:
Passing out:
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +15
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: +10

Saturday, November 3, 2012

1.3 There's a Zombie on Your Lawn!

Hello, lovelies! Welcome to my madness :) Make sure you check out the bonus at the bottom of this entry, after the scorecard ;)

Now that Fiona has arrived, and my goal is for them to have three children, I started this update off with some baby makin for baby number two! Obviously, Xavier was more than happy to comply. 

Afterward, duty calls. Look at how wonderful Xavier is attending to his little girl's needs! I'm proud :)


Well, at least I know I can count on Xavier when Sasha's a

Xavier went out and found himself a job in the music career (workin on that LTW) so he left for the day to make some money. Sasha decided to put Fiona in the baby swing and watch her for awhile (my favorite thing of the baby swing is the 'watch' action <3)

Afterward, I sent Sasha out to take a nap while Fiona did the same. Xavier is great with Fiona, but not so much during the night, so Sasha gets stuck pulling overnight duty. Poor thing hadn't gotten much sleep the night before!

Then the evening fell and the fun really began! We had our first Andrie family full moon tonight! Of course, with the full moon comes zombies. Our first visitor was this gentleman here. Apparently he hasn't quite come to terms with his new self yet...

A short while later, this man popped up as well.

Zombie #2: I CAN'T MOVE!

Umm....there's nothing there to block you...?

Zombie #2: Oh...sorry...I'm HALF DEAD! You'll forgive me if my brain is a little scrambled!

After tending to Fiona's needs, I was able to send Sasha to bed. She went to bed in her athletic wear...this 'wrong clothes' glitch is annoying the crap outta me >.< Anywho, shortly after, she popped out of bed and switched into her maternity athletic wear to notify us that baby #2 is on the way :D

Naturally, I decided to switch her to her sleepwear and send her back to bed. However, as soon as I was about to do so, my camera was yanked to Zombie #1. Why, you ask? Because of THIS:

I've never actually seen a zombie die...doesn't that kind of defeat the purpose?! Oh well...I guess it's not a big dea---WAIT, WHAT THE HELL?!

Zombie #2 kicked it TOO! Just as Xavier got home, too...welcome home, Xav...! Of course this means that Grimm needed to stop by. And, naturally, instead of tending to his VERY RED PLUMBOB, Xavier decided to check out the show.

Afterward, I was VERY amused as I watched Grimm literally run around the house to get to the other ghost. I was laughing so much I forgot to catch a picture...I fail. But let me assure you, it was hilarious. Enough of that, however, back to work! This time we see that Sasha and Milo have made it out to see what the ruckus was about as well. Xavier followed Grimm on his run.

No visit from Grimm would be complete without some extra curricular Grimm antics. Immediately after sending our two zombie ghosts to their new home in the sky, Grimm walked over to Milo and laughed maniacally.


Milo: D:

Xavier & Sasha: Oh. That's creepy.

Grimm must have felt a little bad afterward, however, because he promptly went inside and cleaned their toilet. Then he broke it. And disappeared. *facepalm*

First thing the next morning, I sent Sasha over to the mausoleum to drop off the zombie graves. I felt bad just deleting them, and decided to take them there so they could rest in peace. 

When Sasha returned home, I was happy to see that Xavier was helping Milo fill his social need...poor little guy was lonely!

Sasha got to work fixing the busted toilet.

Xavier headed to work and Sasha tended to Fiona. A torch holder's work is never done!

Ok, there are so many things wrong with this picture I don't even know where to start. First off, it wasn't even a full moon. Second, this chick is not a zombie so why she popped up through the ground as a zombie, I have no idea. Third, you might wanna tend to those bladder and hunger needs, dear...

Immediately after this photo was taken, the not zombie peed herself. She then walked to the road, got in a car and drove away. Pointless not zombie is pointless.

Xavier returned from work tired as fudge, but refused to go to sleep. By the next morning, I was preparing myself for my first fail!

But, Xavier went to bed just in time. (K, Xav...I love that you're so self sufficient, but...a few fails to spice things up so my readers don't get completely bored would be nice...please?)

Sasha got in some Milo snuggles that morning. Milo's social was still pretty low.

Later in the day, it was time for Fiona's toddler birthday!! Xavier looks pretty darn excited!

At this point, I went ahead and popped Fiona into CAS to determine her life state. She is human, just like her mommy. So no genie luck there...but hopefully baby number two will change that! One thing's for certain, Fiona's lack of genie-ness doesn't make her any less adorable ;)

Oh, hey! Speaking of baby #2...

Fellow simmers, I would love to introduce you to Roy Andrie! Her pregnancy was a little rough with this one, so he was born with the disciplined and loner traits. Mommy looks pretty proud of her little man already!

And with that, I leave you until next time! So far, still no fails to mark! But we do have ourselves another birth, so let's add some points :)


Wetting selves:
Passing out:
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits:
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +10
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: +10

***Bonus: For those of you who may not be avid Plants vs. Zombies fans like I am (I was SO stoked when they announced the collab for Supernatural...), this here is where the title of this entry came from :) When you beat the PvZ game, you get this at the end: