Monday, December 3, 2012

1.6 The Epic Chapter of Changes and Pee Fails

HELLO, lovely readers! I want to thank you all for your extraordinary patience while I figured out the mess that was my computer/game/Seasons. I was dealing with some tremendous lag, but we are BACK! I still think a new PC will be in order sooner rather than later, game is running decently enough for me to play, which is good enough for me...for now :)

So, as you can probably guess by the title of this chapter, there have been quite a few changes in the Andrie household since our last update. To start, Fiona has blossomed into a beautiful teenager! Upon aging up, she gained the heavy sleeper trait, via random roll.

Terri gained a new hairstyle. In the process of reducing my lag, I got rid of all my CC. I didn't get all of it back (and probably never will). I just found the few key pieces that I've always had/must have in game. So she got this cute little hairstyle instead :)

The girls got new bed sheets. The old design was part of the CC I never retrieved. This would be Fiona laying down for a nap at 7:30 am, on a school day, after a night of getting NO SLEEP and having her sleep motive ALL THE WAY DOWN. *Facepalm* But, it's ok...she looks super cute, so all is forgiven  :D

All too soon, the bus arrived. You can see by their snazzy new outerwear that winter has arrived in Moonlight Falls! Miss Fiona is very cranky...I suppose a night of NO sleep will do that to you! *Ok, I lied. Still fuming.*

The fuming reached the boiling point at the end of the day, however. Even though the school day was over, Fiona decided she couldn't just get through the bus ride home and chose to pass out on the school steps instead. In the snow. *Sigh* Fail.

Back at the homestead, we see our next change...Bonehilda has gotten a new dress. This one is just stupid...I accidentally deleted her old coffin. When I placed a new one, she had a new dress. Oops. Oh well...I like the black better anyways ^_^

Our next change to note is a REALLY strange one. Terri's IF doll disappeared, which I didn't think much of because sometimes that glitch happens. However, the next day, she was sitting on the floor and whipped this guy IF doll, different from her old one. I have never seen that happen that new? Either way, I'm happy, because now my plan to have her marry an IF as the next life state can continue :D (Though they seriously had better have one of their own...I can't cheat around that one like I could have with the genies D: Now I'm angry...might need to re-think that one...)

I bought the kids a costume chest, which they took to quite well. Roy uses it at least once a day :) His first task was taking on mammoths while dressed as a dinosaur...?

Dinner came next, and you will see that the family has upgraded to a nicer, bigger dinner table :) It's even dinosaur friendly!

*Side note...Milo's food bowl is different, too. I don't remember why. Probably same thing as what happened with Bonehilda's coffin.

Our final change to note is that Fiona actually started doing her homework. On her own. Yeah, that's a sad change to be excited about, isn't it? Oh well. Look at the concentration!

After dinner, Roy decided to try out life as an astronaut while Virginia tried seeing things from a dinosaur's prospective.

Roy then decided it was bed time, and promptly found....his sister's bed. Oh least he found A bed, right?!

The next morning, Virginia decided she was above the whole school thing and skipped (and on field trip day, oh no!). Xavier was NOT ok with that!

Naturally, after getting scolded for skipping, Virginia decided to go outside and....make a snowman. Right. Glad to see Xavier's lesson set in.

Back inside...Sasha broke the sink.

While waiting for the repairman, I noticed Virginia decided to make a snow angel. I used this as an opportunity to show off their cute house, complete with snow filled yard and festive lights :D

As you can see in the above picture, the repairman showed up. Awesome, right? No. In fact, nothing awesome about it. The repairman went inside, apparently found himself attracted to Xavier, and then went outside to talk to him for a few hours. Then he left. Without even going near the sink. Yeah...glad I paid for that >.<

So, Sasha got to it. I suppose I could have awoken Bonehilda, but she's started doing that super annoying thing where she just keeps pulling food out of the fridge constantly. It was driving me nuts, so I sent her back into her little prison box coffin. I was still annoyed enough to not let her out yet. Oh well, nothing wrong with Sasha picking up some skillage.

At this point, a sleep deprived Virginia headed inside to catch some z's. However, her father caught her in time to ask her how her day was.

Xavier: Well, sweetie, since you completely disregarded my lecture this morning about skipping school and stayed home to play in the snow, did you have a good time?

Virginia: I'll have a better time if you'd let me go to bed....

Later that night...SNOW ZOMBIE! He was trying to mimic the thought bubble zombie :)

I decided to have Sasha work on some of Terri's skills with her for a bit, starting with walking.

She then decided to take Fiona out to learn how to drive. I forgot, that's one more change that's been made...I upgraded them to a little more spacious vehicle :) Sasha's promotions have been rolling right along, and it's nice to have a little extra money coming in!

Morning came, and it brought with it a snow day for the kiddos! So how could such an awesome day be spent? With EVERYONE PEEING THEMSELVES. Xavier got the party started first thing in the a.m.

And instead of cleaning it up....he did this. Oh Xavier.

Milo: Dude...

Meanwhile, in the normal corner of the house, Sasha and Terri worked on talking.

Fiona decided to be daughter of the year and cleaned the shower, all on her own :)

When she finished, she headed outside with Xav, Virginia and Roy to take part in an evening snowball fight! Too cute <3

But, as the title suggests, the day wouldn't be complete without the pee party closing it off. First up, the kitchen. Oh, that's nasty.

And immediately after that, it was Fiona's turn. And then I noticed Sasha was DANGEROUSLY close...and that would have been extremely embarrassing, considering I can actually control her and all. So off to the bathroom she headed to save me from yet ANOTHER stinky, wet fail. 

And with that, this update closes. Tune in next time for some birthdays as we get closer to passing Terri the torch of insanity :) For now, let's update our scorecard:


Wetting selves: -25
Passing out: -10
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -20

Monday, November 5, 2012

1.5 Finally!

Welcome back to One Life State to Live!

Night has fallen and Sasha's 4th (and final) baby bump has made it's presence known! *Pleasebeageniepleasebeageniepleasebeagenie*

Outside, a group of zombies is congregating for their annual "Mission: Braaaaains" meeting.

Loner zombie: Heeeeey! Don't forget meeeee D:

Back inside, daddy's at work so Sasha decides to make Fiona's favorite supper, Mac & Cheese! I'm gonna guess by that face that it's going well :D

Sasha then puts her super mommy skills to work and gets all three children PLUS herself to sit down for dinner!

Fiona makes me proud by successfully finding her bed for the second night :)

Why the sour face, Xav?

Xavier: I'm tired.

Go to bed then!

But he didn't. In fact, he passed out. I bumped the super speed control on my game and totally missed getting a shot because when it finally paused, he was getting up >.< BUT, nevertheless, he did pass out so we have ourselves another fail.

Things ran pretty smoothly for the rest of the pregnancy. The day of the birth, however, was a little different. First off, Xavier decided he didn't want to use the restroom, the floor looked better. So, we have ourselves yet another fail. 

*Side note, for some reason, in my game when my sims wet themselves, the puddle always shows up on some other part of the room. So the puddle Sasha's standing in is most definitely Xavier's pee puddle.

At least Virginia's talking skill was coming along nicely!

That evening it was time for Roy's child birthday! I was able to roll for him, landing him the vegetarian trait :) He turned out adorable, if you ask me!

I didn't have time to actually throw him a party, however, because in the next room...

This time, Sasha and Xavier opted for the hospital birth. The two made it just in time to welcome baby Terri into the household! Another bouncing baby girl for them to love and cuddle :) Don't mind Sasha's stink face, she's happy! But being tired and standing next to her super smelly hubby wasn't helping matters.

Fiona: What smells?!

Well, that would be you, dear.

I decided to move Fiona's bed into Roy's room temporarily as well. No sense in having a screaming baby AND a toddler waking her up in the middle of the night.

That evening, our friend Milo had his elder birthday! The sparkles were just fabulous :)

He aged looking basically the same with a few grey accents added to the white spots on his fur.

A couple days later, a big day dawned for the Andrie family! First up, it was time for Virginia's child birthday! The whole family showed up to cheer her on :)

And shortly after that, it was time for Sasha's adult birthday! Again, she looks exactly the same with a few extra lines around her face.

Apparently the excitement was a little too much for Roy to take. That would be his ginormous pee puddle behind him. And on the side, you can see child Virginia! She seems to be enjoying Roy's embarrassment XD Virginia was given the equestrian trait upon aging up.

I used Virginia's free child action that night to show her to her bed, like I have with the others. You'll also noticed I moved Fiona and Virginia's bunk beds back into the girls room! 

This is because baby Terri has reached toddlerhood :D Toddlers are a little easier to manage than babies. 

I'm really not sure where her brown hair comes from, but that's not important. What's important is...SHE'S A GENIE!!!! I'm so excited :D I also adore the fact that she's not the standard genie makes it cute. As if you'd have no idea she was one ;) 

Therefore, I would like to present to you your future (distant future...she's got some more growin to do first!) One Life Sate to Live torch holder, Terri Andrie! Here, she can be seen cuddling her IF doll, Buddy. I has plans ;) :D

And with that, I leave you all for today. Have a few fails to add, and some points, so let's get to it!


Wetting selves: -10
Passing out: -5
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: 0