Sunday, November 4, 2012

1.4 Let the Fails Begin!

Previously, on One Life State to Live:

Two zombies died.
Xavier failed at failing.
A baby was born.
And a lot of other stuff happened.

This week, we begin with a very tired and hungry Sasha tending to baby Roy's needs.

Many people may be wondering why Xavier isn't helping out. Well, he's doing this instead.

Xavier: I'm a genie. I'm awesome.

Soon after, Fiona's needs began to drop. I was hopeful that since he was standing right there, he'd help her out. Instead, he made it quite clear how disgusting he thought she smelled. Way to be supportive, daddy-o.

Shortly after this, Sasha rolled the wish to buy a Bonehilda coffin. I gladly locked in that wish. I love Xavier, and for the most part he does a good job. But when he's at work during the day most days, and sleeping at night, his time is limited and Sasha gets no help. Poor girl hasn't slept much in over 24 hours by this point. However, their house is small. I did manage to build on a little extension for Roy's room, so for now...Bonehilda resides there with him. A little creepy? I say yes.

I went ahead and had Sasha awaken her, because Sasha's needs absolutely needed to be tended to.

But first, she and Xavier had one last baby to make!

Of course, immediately after Bonehilda gets to work, Xavier decides to help out. 

Xavier: See?! I'm an exceptional daddy, always taking care of my children's needs! *Cheese grin*

Xavier's brain: No way in hell I'm gonna let that bone-maid show me up!

Meanwhile, Bonehilda is busy being baws. She is constantly fixing busted appliances, cleaning up messes, it's wonderful!

But I think I appreciate her most when it comes to the children. She is always tending to them! They even seem to like her!

Though poor Fiona still seems a bit cautious...

Fiona: I don't mind being smelly for a few more hours if it means the bone-lady doesn't have to pick me up...

Meanwhile, in Sasha and Xavier's room...


Don't worry, no zombie deaths to report tonight ^_^

After she finally got some sleep, it was time for Sasha to begin working with her little one on her skills. First up was potty training!

Then came some talking practice, which proved to be most inconvenient...

Sasha: Can you say frying pan?

Fiona: Fwy PAN!

Sasha: GOOD JOB, BABY!! I'm so proud of you! *Clapclapclap*

Bonehilda: Yeah, that's adorable...can you guys move it? I need to empty the potty.

Bonehilda is unimpressed.

To cure Sasha's stir crazy moodlet (and to get them out of Bonehilda's way), I sent Sasha on a stroll with Fiona. But not before baby bump #3 began it's evolution!

The next morning, it was time for Roy's toddler birthday!

I popped him into CAS to determine that he is, in fact...human :( Still adorable, though...he inherited his daddy's hair color. And he grew up starving...someone get that kid some food!

Then it was straight to the potty chair for some skill boosting.

Sasha: I love you, Roy!

Roy: I luff you mommy!


The next afternoon, baby #3 decided it was time to be born!

It is my pleasure to introduce our beautiful BLUE baby, Virginia! She was born with the virtuoso and athletic traits.

A few days passed and it was time for both Fiona's child birthday and Virginia's toddler brithday! Once again, Xavier is quite excited :D 

Everything went so well, the family was enjoying their time together. And then....DISASTER!

Of course with fire, comes the firefighter. Therefore, we officially have our FIRST fail of this ISBI! Poor Fiona and just HAD to happen on their birthday! What's worse is that the debacle took so much time and was such a big deal that Virginia had to age up without even getting to her cake D:

But, nevertheless, Fiona aged up BEAUTIFULLY! She may be my favorite in-game child sim yet...she's just naturally pretty :) She was given the eco-friendly trait.

My color indicators are still not working for both the pictures in the relationship panel AND the moodlets, so I popped Virginia into CAS to find that she is....also human D: My goal was to have three children...I've had three, and none of them are genies. Which is what I need for the next generation. So at this point, I decided to try once more. Sasha's adult birthday isn't far off and I need to get her started on her LTW. If baby #4 isn't a genie, I will be holding an heir vote and cheating turning the winner into a genie. But, Virginia is still adorable with her blue self <3

I used Fiona's free child action to show her to her bed, which she was happy to find. That was one exhausting birthday!

And Sasha decided to cap off the night with a little Peashooter Catch!

And that is where I leave you guys tonight! Let's take a look at our scorecard!


Wetting selves:
Passing out:
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +15
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: +10


  1. Great new chappie! Finally a blue baby! I'm not sure if it's a glitch with the mods or the game itself, but ever since Supernatural I haven't had any natural occult births. For gen 4 I just took a 6-sided dice and rolled for each baby, evens stayed human, odds were MC'd into a witch. I'll be interested to see if the bug has been fixed with this newest gen. :/

    And yay for your first fail! . . . lol!

    1. Huh, that's strange...I've had plenty of natural occult births! But when I NEED one, it's not happening, haha! I still don't have my mods in, I don't know for sure which one was causing the weird freezing/invisible pictures issue. I don't really need them right now, anyways, and even if they get updated for the patch prior to a new EP I usually keep them out for at least a week or so after in case any updates come up. So maybe that's a glitch with your mods or your game? I'm not odd!

      Anywho, yes, I'm excited for the fail, haha. I mean, seriously, there's only so many pictures you can take of your sims successfully finding their beds..... :)
