Sunday, February 17, 2013

2.2 Birthday Deathday

We will open this installment with a photo of some quality Milo & Cuddles time :)

I went ahead and popped our new little worm baby into CAS to determine his life state. He is a bubbly little imaginary friend boy :D I'm very pleased my first time was a success! Still, I wanted Cuddles and Terri to have one more baby before taking a break to let her work on her LTW.

Shortly after that little morning quickie, I received notice that Virginia and Jack were engaged! So Fiona hasn't found anyone yet at all, and Roy is already on his second girlfriend. Well, at least one of our spares seems to have found true love!

Xavier has been a huge help with Yestin! Why he couldn't be that helpful with his own children, we will never know.

I went ahead and decided to age Xavier up. I really hated forcing it/cheating it, but I feel my reasons were justified. Not only will I need the space freed up eventually, but Sasha is already halfway through her elder stage. I'd really rather not have him still be 30 days away from aging up when she passes on!

Though I'll admit, as soon as I saw this, I was insta-sad :( He does make a pretty cute elder genie, though. I didn't even bother recoloring his clothes to match exactly what I had before, simply because he's an elder and I'll probably kick him off around the same time as Sasha. Maybe a little while after, we'll see how it plays out.

A little while later, this popped up. So girlfriend number two didn't work out either, huh?

Meanwhile, Terri was busy making out with the toilet.

As if the poor thing wasn't already suffering enough, her evil, evil hubby decided that it was necessary to sneak in and scare her immediately after she finished spewing her guts out.

Exactly one hour after the notice that Roy and Deedee split, this little gem popped up. *Cue movie preview announcer voice* Roy Andrie: tearing through the women of Moonlight Falls, one heart at a time.

For whatever reason, Xavier absolutely refused to sleep in his bed that night. Apparently the floor in Yestin's room was his preference. I tried to be annoyed, but since I forced him into elderhood, I figure I can forgive this one. The scorecard, however, cannot.

An hour after the LAST update about Roy, THIS popped up! I'm beginning to wonder if I'll be able to keep up with all of Roy's romantic goings on. Might I add, he hasn't broken up with Miriam yet!!

Terri officially popped the next day :D And with that, I began to debate a bit. The particular set of rules that I'm following require that every 3rd gen receive fertility treatment. So seeing as the next gen will have their hands full already, and I already have at least one guaranteed heir for said generation, I do believe that this will be Terri's last pregnancy. The only thing that may make me change my mind is if neither baby winds up with any of Cuddles' genetics. But we'll see. As of now, the plan is for this to be the last baby. I'd really like Terri to complete her LTW and reach the top of her career to save up enough money to help out gen 3.

That day was also Yestin's toddler birthday! Grandpa Xav had the honor of carrying him to his cake.

He turned out super cute. He has all black hair, and he inherited grandpa's eye color. I kind of love how close they are and that he inherited genetics from Xav :) Makes me feel a little less sad about his elder status equaling impending simmy death.

Terri went straight to work on the potty training!

Then it was time for a bath! I kind of adore the fact that he's wearing a hat during XP

Once again, Xavier refuses to use his bed. Let it be known that, aside from these two times he's passed out, he has not slept a wink in 2 sim days. I'm not sure what's with the sudden defiance of his bed, but I'll be very thankful if it stops!

Then, later that night, tragedy struck the Andrie household. We have our first official death of the family. A hug from Grimm and a wag of his tale, and little Milo was off to chase that stick into the great big dog park in the sky :(

Xavier was absolutely heartbroken :'(

Milo's remains were moved out to the backyard. As of now, I plan to make a little cemetery of sorts out there. We'll see how long I stick with that idea, though...I don't know that I want 10 generations of ghosts clogging up my lot. I don't even know that I'll have space for them all. I'm undecided on the plan at this time. But for now, may little Milo rest in peace <3

After that, I ended up having to buy Yestin a new crib. His old one was glitching out hardcore with a major routing issue.

The next day, in the hopes of lessening the sorrow of Milo's passing, this adorable little guy joined the family. He is a beagle! I used a random name generator online to pick a name for him, and what it gave me was Anubis :D He was given his own new bed, new food bowl and even a new ball to play with outside. I figured it was best to let Milo's things go with Milo's memory. So, with that introduction, Anubis is now the official dog of generation 2!

The next skill session Terri had with Yestin was focused on talking. As you can tell, Yestin is extremely interested in what his mommy has to say :P

With some progress made on the talking front, Terri took a break to do some much needed cleaning around the house. She couldn't walk into a room without getting the disgusted and/or vile surroundings moodlet O.o Meanwhile, Yestin entertained himself with his IF doll named Peaches. It's super cute that he's all into her, but don't get too attached little man. The IF spouse ship has long since sailed, and you were not on it. Your ticket for the RMS Werewolf, however, is good for a few more birthdays, should you earn the torch ;)

As the days passed, we received word that Virginia is expecting! 

Finally, the day arrived for baby number two to make its grand entrance! Despite the fact that they have a baby already, Cuddles was not at all prepared!

Then, due to the fact that he was inheriting Xavier's refusal to use his bed, Cuddles promptly passed out during the labor.

Opting for a home birth this time, Terri was ecstatic to welcome her beautiful baby girl into the world! Paula was born with the couch potato and good traits already locked in. Her motive bars indicate that she is a genie, just like her mama. As of now, my plan remains the same as far as whether or not to have more babies. The deciding factor will be how quickly Terri and Cuddles progress through their jobs. If she progresses quickly, I may go ahead and throw one more baby into the mix.

For now, I leave you all until next time! We have quite a few things to add to the scorecard, so let's get to it:


Wetting selves: -50
Passing out: -35
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +30
Honor roll: +5
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation: +10
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points: +10
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -35


  1. Yayayay Beagle! My favorite kind of dog. :P Loved the chappie, poor Milo. :( And poor Xavier! But you're right about not wanting them to live forever. I'm debating on when I want to force Chimaera to have a birthday whenever Honour does in my Goth-Sanity ISBI. -_- Awesome job, can't wait for the next one!

    1. Aw, thanks for reading, as always :) Yeah, I think it's neat they thought to include the extra life thing for some of the different life states, but I kind of wish it were controllable or something without having to force them into the next stage of life. Oh well, such is the circle of simmy life :)
