Saturday, February 16, 2013

2.1 I Dream of a Genie Takeover

Yes, friends, it is officially that time for Generation 2 to take over the Andrie household! With the money I have managed to save, I decided build on an extra room to the house. The elders of generations past will need a place to sleep until they kick it, so they will be using the original master bedroom. I have built on a bigger, nicer master bedroom for the current heir. I splurged a lot, and it took a good chunk of the money I had saved, but that's ok. As you can see, I got them a really nice bed. There is a phonograph stereo in the corner (my favorite stereo <3), as well as a massage chair in the other corner. What? Being a torch holder is hard work, man! Down in the bottom corner is a computer desk set up, and in the opposite corner that you can't see in this photo there is a dresser.

Terri made good use of the computer and promptly found a job! I don't recall telling you all this before, but her lifetime wish is to be a master of mysticism (*does happy dance*), so she found herself employed in the fortune teller career :D

It was then time to get this show on the road as far as marriage and bbs. Luckily, her IF boy toy felt the same way and popped in for some lovely hand holding!

Cuddles: Oh, Terri...I just love you so much. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you!

Terri: I can't wait to make some blue haired and bright blue eyed bbs!

Cuddles: there anything else you wanna say to me? I said I love you so -

Terri: I said what I said.

Cuddles: ..........

I promise, she truly does love Cuddles. In fact, she was so smitten that she wasted no time popping the big question!

Of course Cuddles said yes (my sims will not be denied!) and the celebratory jumping commenced. Afterward, it was time for the lovebirds to head to City Hall to graduate!

This was followed by a romantic private wedding down by the waterfall. This particular photo, however, is just a shameless excuse to show off her pretty wedding day look as well as her awesomesauce genie transportation method :D

And so the wedding was had and it was a joyous and beautiful occasion. The moonlight rose over the falls (see what I did there?! *cheesegrin*) and Terri and Cuddles were pronounced wife and doll-human hybrid <3

Unfortunately, I did not get a picture of their first hubby-wife kiss because they were standing at an odd angle, and it basically looked like she was gonna nom his forhead. Oh wells. They made up for that later when they returned home to break in their new bed ;) Lullabies were heard, yay!

It was, of course, during this monumental moment of their lives that Xavier decided he needed to come check out the new platform that their bed sits upon. For real.

*Gives seriously disapproving look*

Xavier: something wrong...?

*Flails* GET OUT OF THERE YOU CREEPER! That's your DAUGHTER for goodness sake!

Thankfully, Terri was so happy and in love that her father's oober creepiness didn't even phase her. Instead, she was too busy being adorable <3

To end their wedding night, some romantic slow dancing in their undies was necessary. And from the looks of Cuddles' bum, it looks like someone got a little handsy ;) (*Hangs flashing "LAUGHTER" sign*)

Xavier: Something is amiss...all of my children are full grown adults, my wife has become an elder, yet I'm still young and awesome.

Yeah, well...that's the genie life span for ya, bud. But don't get too used to it, cause your elder birthday is coming up sooner than you think. (Seriously...I have no intention of letting him live, like, forever. As much as I love him, eventually my other simmies are gonna need that spare bedroom for the elders, so I'll probably be moving him right along in the aging process. But for now, I'll let him enjoy a couple more days of being "young and awesome".)

Sasha decided now was as good a time as any to work out, but only if she could do so in her everyday wear. 

Sasha: Feel the burn! FEEEEEEEL IT!

Xavier: Honey...are you sure you wanna do that? I mean...I don't want you to, like...break a hip or something....

Back in the bedroom....SO CUTE. OMFG.

Terri and Cuddles' dancing was interrupted by a sudden, "mysterious" case of nausea. *Evil giggle*

While Terri lost her lunch, I sent Cuddles out to find himself a job since I'm pretty sure you can at least control that part of your spouse lives. Of course, the fact he has the evil trait brought up the wish to be the Emperor of Evil, so off he went to the movie theater/criminal hideout to join the criminal career!

As the sunlight in the previous picture might suggest, a new day has dawned. Terri began her morning by taking care of one of the many new responsibilities she inherited with her torch. Apparently, the bills have been neglected for some time. Oops.

She then sat down to write out thank you notes for her wedding gifts. She received a gift from Sasha, Xavier, Roy and Virginia. I haven't heard much else about the kids so far, except I did learn that Fiona recently received a promotion at work, so good on her ^_^

And then, to my horror, Milo and Xavier both came down with fleas! It was at this time that I realized I only had a standing shower which wasn't going to allow Xavier to give Milo a flea bath. So I built on a super quick addition to the bathroom (making it a rather funky shape) just to add a basic tub in.

And so began the death of the fleas. Poor little Milo, they were flyin off him like rockets!

One of the perks of having a genie as your torch holder: perfect quality meals at the snap of a finger ;) Lobster Thermidor, anyone?!

Terri: How's the lobster, dear? Dear...?

Cuddles: *Munch**Slurp**Munch*BEST.WIFE.EVER.*Munch**Slurp**Munch*

Later that afternoon Terri popped, thus officially announcing the impending arrival of generation 3!!

Evening rolled around and Terri retreated to bed. Meanwhile, Cuddles decided to take in some TV with his new mother-in-law.

I FINALLY saw a notification pertaining to the romantic lives of one of the spares :) It seems Roy is after a little supernatural lovin' of his own!! He's apparently tapping into the Goth family tree. I'm excited to see where this goes and Terri is EXTREMELY hopeful for ghostly nieces and/or nephews :D

Cuddles decided to make some waffles the next morning. Which he burned. Not like there was a plate of perfect quality lobster in the fridge or anything. Oh well, kudos to you for being productive!

After that failed attempt, he decided to be the first to break in the new massage chair!

Yay! Another spares update :D This time it's Virginia who seems to have found love :)

Cuddles continued to keep himself entertained with a rousing game of computer chess.

Terri spent the afternoon bonding with Milo. I also received a notification shortly after that Roy received a promotion! Glad to see our founder's other children are doing well for themselves :)

In the early hours of the following morning, I was super bummed to receive this notification :( They had just become official bf/gf a few hours before this!

Later that day...

Sasha: This is YOUR fault! Why didn't you send me to the bathroom?!

Sorry, sweetie, that's not how this works anymore! Once you pass the torch, you're on your own. This fail is all on YOU!

That evening, Terri was woken from her sleep because it was finally baby time!!

She opted for a hospital birth this time, and Cuddles accompanied her. To stand outside. The whole time.

While they were on their way home, I received this notice. I've dubbed Roy our official Gen 1 pimp.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am pleased to introduce to you Yestin Andrie! I was allowed to randomly roll his traits, and he wound up with absent minded and hates the outdoors. Not exactly the most attractive traits to start life out with, but oh wells. His motive bars appear to be standard and not genie-like, so I'm assuming that he is going to take after his daddy and be an IF baby :D But let's not get ahead of ourselves ;)

And with that, we have officially kicked off generation 2! Let's make the appropriate adjustments to our scorecard: 


Wetting selves: -50
Passing out: -20
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +25
Honor roll: +5
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation: +10
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points: +10
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -25


  1. Eeeeee! New babies!! I am excite! Is it awful of me that as soon as I saw the shot of Cuddles and Terri dancing in their undies and I saw his--and before I saw your comment--I actually thought to myself, "Hmm, seems she grabbed herself a piece of dat ass." XD !!! Awesome update, can't wait for more!

    1. Hahaha :) Well, I can't say I blame her :P Thanks for reeeeaaadddiiinnnggg!!!
