Monday, January 7, 2013

1.7 Snowflake Day and On to Spring!

Ah, Snowflake Day. Only once a year does such a magical day fall upon the citizens of Moonlight Falls! A day filled with family, friends, laughter, and....PRESENTS!! Ok, but seriously...the family and friends part is more important. But still...PRESENTS!! The Andries decided to ring in the holiday with a good, old fashioned gift exchange party. They invited a bunch of friends...but only one person showed up D: Nevertheless, first up was miss Fiona! Their one guest, Ayden Van Gould, proved to be the boss of gift giving because he gave her a guitar!

Xavier was next, and he also received a guitar! 

Xavier: Mr. Van Gould, are you a magician?! HOW did you fit that guitar in this little box?!

Ayden: ...seriously?

Next up was our lovely founder herself, Sasha. In her bathing suit. Insane sim is insane. Anywho, Sasha received a lovely plant. And at that very moment, Xavier was hit with the need to pee!

Our very generous guest was allowed to take his turn next. The Andries returned the generosity and gifted him a microwave! 

Xavier: So I told Shalonda, giiiiirl, he ain't worth your time! You need to move on!

Ayden: I can't believe Sasha's married to this tool...

Virginia received an invigorating elixir from Ayden. By the looks of it, he could tell she really enjoyed her gift! 

Virginia: Look, daddy! Mr. Van Gould gave me an elixir!

Xavier: Yeah, that's great, sweetie. Now can you move it? I wanna get on that peeing thing I've been needing to do...

And nothing D: He didn't get to open a present...and I felt really sad for him. But, the show must go on. After the gift giving party, Ayden headed home and the Andries settled down for a Snowflake Day feast. 

I attempted to send the family to the winter festival when they finished eating, but they didn't really do much while they were there. I did manage to get a shot of Fiona snowboarding!

After they all headed home, Fiona decided to try out her new guitar. She was a natural :)

A little while later, she went to bed. Xavier used that opportunity to step into Roy's bedroom the guitar playing room and try his out as well. Little Terri, however, was ready for bed!

Apparently her crying was an inconvenience for Xavier -_-



Naturally, Xavier responded to this by....putting Terri back down on the floor and heading to the kitchen to have a chat with Fiona. So. Much. Fail.

Of course, our poor little girl passed out on the floor. I've never seen a toddler do this...I had no idea it was possible. I was debating on whether or not to count this against them, until I realized that the crib was somehow super glitched. For some reason, they couldn't interact with it at all. So since it was a glitch in the game, I'm cheating not counting it against myself. Still...look at the cute sleeping baby :)

I played for a few more minutes before getting super annoyed with my crib glitch. In that few minutes, Xavier made himself useful and made dinner.

I try not to use Bonehilda unless I have to, because I kind of feel like it's cheating. But, I gave in and had Sasha awaken her so that she could help out with the cleaning.

Spring bloomed the next day. Fiona and Sasha decided to start their Sunday with a pillow fight! From the looks of it, Fiona is boss.

Meanwhile, Virginia made her way outside to make a classic snowman! Yes, Spring has sprung in Moonlight Falls, but there's still the matter of some snow to melt!

Soon enough, all of the Andrie clan was called to attention. For what, you may ask? Well for the birthday of our future torch holder, of course! As you can see, Roy was spending his morning as an astronaut :)

Why, yes, our beautiful torch-holder-to-be has blossomed into a child. I randomly rolled her trait, which was hydrophobic. How unfortunate...for her ;) For me, I am sure it will provide many moments of comedic relief! She is one step closer to taking over this crazy house and continuing on the family legacy. And from the looks of it, she's already got some gears turning in her head about what she plans to do when the ball is in her court ;)

And that is where I leave you all for today! I hope you've enjoyed this installment of One Life State to Live! And I thank you being patient with me through the holiday madness :) It's a new year, friends! I encourage you all to go out and make it the best one yet! May life bring you happiness, love, and courage through the rough spots. With that, let's take a look at our scorecard! We have no new fails or points to add, so we are still sitting at a negative for now.


Wetting selves: -25
Passing out: -10
Police, firefighter & babysitter visits: -5
Failing school:
Accidental deaths:
Social worker visits:

Births: +20
Honor roll:
Fulfilling LTWs:

Optional Bonus Scores

Randomize every trait/LTW for a generation:
Refrain from using any spare's LTH points:
NPS Spouse reaches top of career:
Every $100,000 in household funds:

Total: -20

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